Last last last last week we won the champion in a badminton competition.
4th of april right? if not mistaken.
we tried our best. and it proved to me our hardwork pays. ='D
thanks to :
Ee hung, the first single
Hooi fen, the second single,
Poh hoon, my partner =)
Ee ling, yi you, another double of my team.
thanks a lot a lot a lot.
my gratitude to you is beyond words.
front from the left: Poh hoon, Juey fang.

while they are waiting..
Ee hung and Hooi Fen
they both used to be in badminton school team
admire.. o.o
the trophy
My old racquet and the racquet we won =)
and of course thanks to the non-contributor too =p
kai chia, just back from physics camp at selangor and pia here.. o.o
siew poh, same as kc
Yu lin, though your legs get injurted you still come..
and last, suan eng though you are not our formal teammate. but you still come just to give us moral support.. =') kamsia..
So sad Yu lin's legs get hurt and cannot play in the game.
thanks for you guys' Subway. ='D
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