since soony had post the about bra bra bday.. i guess i must post it too as i am the 'photographer' after soony back home... before read my blog, click here to check out soony's blog first in case you did not read his.. some thing happened before this..
yo finished reading it?
lets start =)
First of all... i must state here that ... these pic are taken by me using........

After most of the girls and guys went back, we excitedly rushed bra bra to unwrap all his presents.... so we gathered all the presents at a table and

bra bra unwrapping the very first present
*note: bra bra changed his clothes d!
*note: bra bra changed his clothes d!

Next talon di di reading a bday card for bra bra.. kc came so close.....


yewwwwwwwwww!! so longgg

-.- -.- -.- -.-

family pic for the presents...

and the timbun!! broken into two..!


and the timbun was bought by sp and me at tesco which cost only RM0.24!! we even go popular to wrap the timbun!! XD actually not really meant to give him as a present la.. siao meh. we bought that because we knew that someone* will push the timbun a side while having meal.. XD
sorry for take so long to post this. >.<
LOL..... Tolong la ...
guys underwear is called briefs
xP panties is what u wear swtttttttt
hahahahahhahahah!!! then bra bra wear panties instead of i correct my mistake la LOL kidding la XD my english too poor ma >.< haha
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