8am flight from penang and 130pm flight from KL.
so when u see this probably am in china or KL d XD
yesh going tibet too ! =D
although feel a little bit sad b4 i leave penang.. =(..
but nvm since someone is going to europe on the same day as me too. hmmm.. ok la
Will be back on 9th january ~
don't too miss me~ =p
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
君と夏の終わり 将来の夢
大きな希望 忘れない
10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて
出会いは ふっとした 瞬間 帰り道の交差点で
声をかけてくれたね 「一緒に帰ろう」
僕は 照れくさそうに カバンで顔を隠しながら
本当は とても とても 嬉しかったよ
あぁ 花火が夜空 きれいに咲いて
あぁ 風が時間とともに 流れる
嬉しくって 楽しくって
冒険も いろいろしたね 二人の 秘密の 基地の中
君と夏の終わり 将来の夢
大きな希望 忘れない
10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて
「ありがとう」 叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ
涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようなら
せつないよね 最高の思い出を…
あぁ 夏休みも あと少しで 終わっちゃうから
あぁ 太陽と月 仲良くして
悲しくって 寂しくって
喧嘩も いろいろしたね 二人の 秘密の 基地の中
「ありがとう」 叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ
涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようなら
せつないよね 最高の思い出を…
突然の 転校で どうしようもなく
手紙 書くよ 電話もするよ
忘れないでね 僕のことを
いつまでも 二人の 基地の中
君と夏の終わり ずっと話して
君の頬を 流れた涙は ずっと忘れない
君が最後まで 大きく手を振ってくれたこと
だから こうして 夢の中で ずっと永遠に…
君と夏の終わり 将来の夢
大きな希望 忘れない
10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて
「ありがとう」 叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ
涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようなら
せつないよね 最高の思い出を…
大きな希望 忘れない
10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて
出会いは ふっとした 瞬間 帰り道の交差点で
声をかけてくれたね 「一緒に帰ろう」
僕は 照れくさそうに カバンで顔を隠しながら
本当は とても とても 嬉しかったよ
あぁ 花火が夜空 きれいに咲いて
あぁ 風が時間とともに 流れる
嬉しくって 楽しくって
冒険も いろいろしたね 二人の 秘密の 基地の中
君と夏の終わり 将来の夢
大きな希望 忘れない
10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて
「ありがとう」 叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ
涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようなら
せつないよね 最高の思い出を…
あぁ 夏休みも あと少しで 終わっちゃうから
あぁ 太陽と月 仲良くして
悲しくって 寂しくって
喧嘩も いろいろしたね 二人の 秘密の 基地の中
「ありがとう」 叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ
涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようなら
せつないよね 最高の思い出を…
突然の 転校で どうしようもなく
手紙 書くよ 電話もするよ
忘れないでね 僕のことを
いつまでも 二人の 基地の中
君と夏の終わり ずっと話して
君の頬を 流れた涙は ずっと忘れない
君が最後まで 大きく手を振ってくれたこと
だから こうして 夢の中で ずっと永遠に…
君と夏の終わり 将来の夢
大きな希望 忘れない
10年後の8月 また出会えるのを 信じて
「ありがとう」 叫んでいたこと 知っていたよ
涙をこらえて 笑顔でさようなら
せつないよね 最高の思い出を…
Friday, July 17, 2009
I don't wish to eleborate it, but this was what happened in this happening week.
Went to take car in front of penang state library and get checked my two malay polices.
After struggling for 4 and a half hours tuition, finally get back home and realized I forget to buy birthday cake for a friend that was birthday on the next day. Rushed to buy cake for her at about 10pm but the shop had already closed. Phoned one of my friend discussed about it while I was driving and finally drove my car into a drain. My car get stucked and two kind uncles came and give me their hands. Was too tired after the tuition I guess.
I didn't manage to buy the cake but my mum kindly volunteered to buy her a cake and promised will pass it to me before recess. We enjoy the cake in canteen while we're not suppose to do so by law , but since everyone did it and no disciplinary action was took. One short-ugly-bloodless warden canteen approached us and claimed that we need to use tupperware or else we will get demerit. and yes I got 2 marks demerit .
After school as usual I attemped to send my friend to her car. My car get out a little bit from the road as I was looking for a chance to cross the road. There was an aunty kindly trying to let me cross. By creepy coinsidence my car slipped and a motor came at the same moment and they just crashed my car's number plate and fell. For the first time in my life I saw the most amount of blood coming out from a person. A pair of couple was knocked down. The aunty in my mum's age was seriously injured. Her shirt was full of blood coming out from her face. A lot of people came to watch. I rushed toward them trying to help but I dare not touch anyone of them. In the next few minutes I rushed them to the general hospital and helped them settle all the procedures. After one hour my mum came and she asked me to return home as she will handle the rest. I was so tired and took a long nap right after I reach home.
I woke at 8pm. Studying chem while i trying to ease my guilt. Out of sudden i heard a long horn from neighbour. I thought it was that selfish neighbour trying to ask her daughter to be quick again. But it was getting irritating as the horn getting longer and longer. I went out to check what was happening and shocked when my neighbour just scold my father brainless on the spot for blocking the way. In fact the car was parked as it's usual place but the gorvenment chopped of the trees today so it occupies some spaces in front of my house makes them seems to be unable to pass by because of my father's car. My father went out and the argue started. The situation get worse when that pea-brained aunty went home and bring her 30 yr-old son came. He insisted my father was wrong by scolding his mum and indirectly him as my dad accidentally scolded them 'hybrid'. The argue end with the peacemaker, my mum came home.
okay i hope all these will bring me more good luck in the coming stpm exam.
Friday, June 12, 2009
before i close
why suddenly everyone around me seems so weird?...
as if they're not them that i knew...
they world have changed.
human have become chicken.
chicken has become food.
eaten by human .
wake up wake up.
just wake up.
if not human really will become chicken
better now :D
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
badminton competition
Last last last last week we won the champion in a badminton competition.
4th of april right? if not mistaken.
we tried our best. and it proved to me our hardwork pays. ='D
thanks to :
Ee hung, the first single
Hooi fen, the second single,
Poh hoon, my partner =)
Ee ling, yi you, another double of my team.
thanks a lot a lot a lot.
my gratitude to you is beyond words.
front from the left: Poh hoon, Juey fang.

while they are waiting..
Ee hung and Hooi Fen
they both used to be in badminton school team
admire.. o.o
the trophy
My old racquet and the racquet we won =)
and of course thanks to the non-contributor too =p
kai chia, just back from physics camp at selangor and pia here.. o.o
siew poh, same as kc
Yu lin, though your legs get injurted you still come..
and last, suan eng though you are not our formal teammate. but you still come just to give us moral support.. =') kamsia..
So sad Yu lin's legs get hurt and cannot play in the game.
thanks for you guys' Subway. ='D
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
a post for CSE
Oh my goodness i owe CSE this post soooo longgggggg
Think of one word to describe her. - Cool? Hardworking? Humor? Hiao? for me she is the last one..
She always fold up her sleeve.
跟你说过很多次,不要把袖子折起来,你这样怎样做榜样给lower form的人看? 下一次我没跟你说这样多了,我直接demerit你,我跟你讲...
CSE's spec. yeng mia.
People said she looks prettier with her spec on. I agreed.
yea i like this pic =D
si lang bin
Sunday, March 29, 2009
the hampster
yesh i am back! my blog isn't dead told you d. muahaha. i know i had owe this post for soooo longgg d. haha don't know how many birthday we had celebrated untill i post this up. xp anyway i admit i am way tooooo busy nowadays. thats why i keep pocastinate.. sry.. =X
Okay this is for ah peng one. your cute little hampsters had been tortured before they reach your house safely. wahahahaha . let me show you how i tortured them. ;-] ;-)
HOHO where is the cute little fellow huh?


whoahohoho. COME i SAYANG you~ o.o
Hiak hiak hiak
ong soo peng. your heart pain?? XDXDXDXD
Now is time for a short introduction.
Hello everyone! I am a hampster, I don't know whats my name, but I do know that I am a boy =)
I like to play with my friend, she is a girl.
she is likes to wear grey shirt. she wears it 365 days a year
She likes to hide herself in her house too
I can jump very far.
Don't believe?
how far =D
sometimes.. i feel down..
staring out the window..
the feeling is getting stronger..
I want freedom!!.... ='(
I want my blue sky! >.<
its evening now..
the sky turned dark..
don disturb....
full view of their cute house
top view
the girl. Her fingers is so small! cuteee >.<
the boy. emo ing.
Later at night soo peng treat us at kfc =D
steam girl =p
big mouth =p
saling mengangkap gambars
see how much i put the tomato sauce . I love tomato.
kc's cilli sauce
act cute o.o
act more cute
act Bai chi XD
soo peng's sister! cute leh cute leh.
most ppl said she look so like wan nee at their first sight.
but wan nee more cool la. =P
what am i doing. muahaha.
yea la.
teaching this little cute girl posing. ngiak ngiak ngiak ;-)
5 continuous poses:
get set?
Wu liao leh! told you don't read my blog liao lor.
oh yeah, feel free to read this too. =)
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