eh.. i feel that dog is annoying..
if can, can i make my blog as simple as possible?
just to make it feel like simple. so mind to make it just two column? sorry for your hardwork.. and thanks for your hardwork too =) thanks.
actually i like the style, that most japanese comic's author will do. .. and so. yea thats all. =)
thankx for wasting your whole day to make it yea
appreciate =)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
i found this when i attemped to read all kc's old blog and..
I can't accept it after i answering those stupid question with my stupid true answer.., i get a..
ok you just see it yourself..
I am a... 3/4 idiot?!
I can't accept it after i answering those stupid question with my stupid true answer.., i get a..
ok you just see it yourself..
I am a... 3/4 idiot?!
No Way!
I am an idoit. Not as much as most. There are even people out there that annoy the hell out of me. What was I talking about?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I Must brush up my ENGLISH!
as YOU ALL know my english level sucks...
Our DeArEST Miss Wee gonna Fish me if she happened to read my blog, i am sure.
Is This mY fAulT?
Of course..! what do you think?
I do not want to be like that..
This feeling is much more stonger now..
After i watched this video clip..
Bless me....!
Our DeArEST Miss Wee gonna Fish me if she happened to read my blog, i am sure.
Is This mY fAulT?
Of course..! what do you think?
I do not want to be like that..
This feeling is much more stonger now..
After i watched this video clip..
Bless me....!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
My ChristMas EvE
Oh my oh my... what had i done yesterday.. let me recall..
first i woke up at 11am,(was wakened up by my fren ,again) then straigh away went for breakfast with my fren that woke me up .suprisingly she bring along her younger brother came. after that i gave them a lift to their friend's house and rushed back to my house.
Late again! =p I have an APPOINTMENT with soo peng them! I changed my clothes in no time then off i go to gurney,paying rm4 for the parking at roadside,rm10 for the red box. hmm.. actually red box was not as expensive as i was told .. i tought it whould be really blood-sucking..
GURNEY .....
I met jing wei there. and i could hardly remember the time she sing. i just remembered she sang one song--浪花一朵朵 and that was sang so loud by everyone that cover almost all her sound even though she was holding the mic. after that.. she told us that her boy friend was coming to her. So, yew khoon and I accompanied her to meet her bf. .... haha... (no comment....-.- fake) okay then we continue our songs.XD.Of a sudden,the monitor below the televison blackout.(monitor that use to choose song one)We asked them to repair it,but it really takes them a long time.. after restoring it,we come to the last song, 霍元甲 by jay,but we do not notice that it was the last.. so we 霍x8 so loud and high and then.... become so sad that we cannot manage to sing 劲歌金曲..
Next,we headed to KIM GARY for our lunch/dinner? .It was half pass 4 in the afternoon.We sembang there for almost an hour while waiting for the dishes.. shu hong and alex keep teasing yew khoon, and yew khoon relying using her piercing voice.. LOL *can break the glasses if frequency slightly higer a little bit.=.= people next to our table keep staring at us.. sia sui nia. but shu hong and alex seems enjoying flirting with her. =.= lu kong lu high -.- so long no see her she still that ...... speechless. no comment* XD
I met some of my Keat Hwa friends there. lastly, i went to snj and bought a christmas card to wish jeanne's family.. erm actually i was just thinking of wishing her mum and brother only LOL
Finally..we kissgoodbye.......LOL say-goodbye la XD
After that.. from gurney back to my house,traffic extremely jam, i quickly phoned my cousin,asking him to clean up before i reach home. but... failed. Oh MY.. he was sleeping! It was 630pm now and i must rush to drive kc, find noob Jeanne mia rumah then reach Qb buy 730pm.
God bless me........... Now.. i have no time to write the card that I just bought..! Ahmitabha... i am driving now!! so.. I borrowed kc's hand to write the words. kc too kindly helped me to write some words inside to fill the empty spaces.. *she wrote it in the car! soon after my car stop, I complete the card in no time....-.- Finally.. I made it..! yes!! I reach NJ's house by 710pm but..... SHE WAS NOT HOME!! arghhhh..! I was trying to give her a surprice .. but... LOL I even try so hard to confirm with her that she will be onlining at home by the time i reach her house.. =.= Her mum came out and we spoke to her mum.. I was wondering should I just leave it to them or...? erm. but since kc sugested that we could come again later, so we decided to leave for the movie first.
FiNaLly we reach Qb by 726pm. A fast and safe journey they had.
We went for the movie BOLT. damn toucing.. o.o kc sat beside me...Secretly i saw her rubbed her eyes several times when those touching moment in the scene appear. emotional kc =)
but she told me.. =.= that was because of her hair on her forehead 'tu tiok' her eyes.XD keh keh la LOL =P
Right after the movie kc and wei yang went to e-gate while sheng, kal in blue and me, of course my cousin went to find suan eng but failed.
At last.. we decided to go the bar opposite our dearest sch,pcghs-.-
Zy phoned jennifer and she told us she was extremely sien.. so we invited her to join us.but her father set a curfew restriction:before 1am must come back! (as a only gal in the car i was forced to deal with her mum)-.- waliao.. we 1130 invite you go count down you 1am must reach home ar.. then we try to convince her mum.. ....
Eventually,we still fail to invite her out -.-
Nvm la..... LOL practically it made no different whether she was
Then,we heading toward the bar opposite to our sch. WALAU EH. FIRST TIME YOU KNW. I KNW IT WAS NOOB BUT, this was really MY FIRST TIME to drink in a pub/bar la! then my heart keep on reminding me..
-Don't drink anything after you left and return!
-Do not accept drinks nor anythings from stangers,
-Do not go to toilet alone,and.. wait , then? go with my cousin??! wat the frog.. later he fish me.!
k done! so now go into the bar ..! wa.. mai larh.. don wan!... -.- *shiver
WaLau eh.... the musics is so loud la!!! i cant think of anything.. many smoker,drinking beers, stare at you, as if you take one more step forward they will gonna FISH you.. =x han jie met his brother there. so, we decided to join them(actually is forced to), 5 of us. ZY han jie and huai jie seems PRO in this kind of stuff. They took one bucket, which contain 5 bottles of tiger, and took some cups pouring the beer into each of them. and of course, that was for me and them to drink. the taste of Tiger is horrible,worse than any other drinks i ever had. MY GoD!! I rushed toward toilet after my first cup. *vomit? no la. hahax . kidney was full and need to release.. The funny things was... My cousin accompanied me to the toilet, he waited in front of the men's toilet ( right beside lady's) when i got out, I saw 4 familiar faces in front of the lady's... LOLOLOL ohhHh my.... they even stand in a row! facing the lady's toilet! ( luckily bo hand in hand nia.. ==) WALIAO eh... so paiseh la!!... imagine you were me and your boy's friend keep staring inside the lady's toilet seeking you.. lehhhma.. XD
okay then right after i came out, then asked me: did you vomit? vomit water? how? don drink liao if vomit... ...................
LOL i just........ arghh speechless! so i JUST TOLD THEM i DID NOT VOMIT! arghhhh. !
Later on, we went back to our table,and it was almost just less then 1 min before christmas. So everyone here is like starting to shake their body, head , ass, whatever part you can shake just shake it. The musics was so loud, i repeated. I wanted to complain, turn the button to the left two complete round pls if right side is to make it loud. then they keep pouring the beer into my cup. SINCE my cousin drink so many d ( note:i did not compare with THEM because they treat Tiger like lemon only)
so, MUST HAVE FUN!! WHY NOT!? come LAI we drink! all the while when they was shaking their ass *included my cousin, i was sms-ing. OI...... I so guai mia, will just sms and on9 at home eh ginna you call me go ? pub? hello=.=
ok ! 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 the count down is finally over! and now my head can thinks liao. ERM..
T.T mama..
okay now i a bit steam liao..., first bottle gone, second bottle, third, walau, i went toilet 3 times, soon, ZY's fren came and, WE drink again! COME! 4th 5th 6th 7th actually i don't know exactly the figure but huai jie told me i drink 7-8 bottles. oh....... am i......? erm... okay la, i admit i drank much but i DIDN'T DRUNK!!!!!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! UNCLE I defeated you!! Later, ZY follow his friend for DOTA at undefined cafe .. not interested. SO okay.. we 4 brats here still stay and drink...
WAAaa.. my cousin high liao..keep shaking his head,so i just pei he him.. slightly 'nodded' my head constantly. LOL so lame la. who am i..-.- aw juey fang ar! and I still remember Han jie's brother's gf, keep staring at me, as if i am alien , or, am i too pretty?o.o i knw it beyond words.. ah ha. do not jealous XD. I purposely act paiseh,when our eyes met up i turn my eyes to her bf .. LOL . let me count see.. at least more than 5 times our eyes met. =.= gerli..
Around 2:15am, we '依依不舍' went home. another interesting thing.When we got into han jie's car, he says,' gv me a break. i can drive but just need some rests, right now.' >>sure =). then i a bit blur blur too liao. but i did not feel anything. while my cousin told me he felt so hot and spicy. Chicken meh..== the other three brats continue their conversation, showing off how good they are,playing down ZY while playing up themselves... are all guys like that? guys pls answer. LOL i sms-ed my friend, telling them i finally done liao! yea my first time to a pub and i swear i will never go to pub ever again,...just for this coming two years.. XP but then, why do they all thinking that i was drunk? can drunks reply msg??! LOL. somehow my handphone out of battery,right after my frIend failed her attemp to phone me. so i borrow my cousin phone swifting our sim card to each other's.
The sky was so dark,the night was moonless yet starless. balanar is coming LOL .night stalker XD in such eerily night.... my cousin's phone's body.. lost! my goshhh!!!!! i wanted to turn his car over and get it back!! they shocked and asked me to stay calm..== so han jie drive us to a nearby petrol station first, as WE feel like our kidney were bursting.... then .. wa luckily we managed to find back my cousin's phone and.. i was presume that I was DRUNK while in fact I was not.. suak liao .ok fine. do not want to defence d.
ok the rest I dono what exactly was happening after i came out from the toilet and found the phone and.. when i got home i straigh away went to my dearest bed. home sweet home.... harhh.. =) oh and I was concious of what i had replied on my msg.
After reading jeanne's blog about how much she feel when receiving my purposely-chose-present.., my eyes actually get a little bit watery.. sniff*XD if curious kindly click touching moment for juey check it out. =) 2008 Special christmas with friends!
Tomorrow we will go for wei yang last badminton! =) friends...!
first i woke up at 11am,(was wakened up by my fren ,again) then straigh away went for breakfast with my fren that woke me up .suprisingly she bring along her younger brother came. after that i gave them a lift to their friend's house and rushed back to my house.
Late again! =p I have an APPOINTMENT with soo peng them! I changed my clothes in no time then off i go to gurney,paying rm4 for the parking at roadside,rm10 for the red box. hmm.. actually red box was not as expensive as i was told .. i tought it whould be really blood-sucking..
GURNEY .....
I met jing wei there. and i could hardly remember the time she sing. i just remembered she sang one song--浪花一朵朵 and that was sang so loud by everyone that cover almost all her sound even though she was holding the mic. after that.. she told us that her boy friend was coming to her. So, yew khoon and I accompanied her to meet her bf. .... haha... (no comment....-.- fake) okay then we continue our songs.XD.Of a sudden,the monitor below the televison blackout.(monitor that use to choose song one)We asked them to repair it,but it really takes them a long time.. after restoring it,we come to the last song, 霍元甲 by jay,but we do not notice that it was the last.. so we 霍x8 so loud and high and then.... become so sad that we cannot manage to sing 劲歌金曲..
Next,we headed to KIM GARY for our lunch/dinner? .It was half pass 4 in the afternoon.We sembang there for almost an hour while waiting for the dishes.. shu hong and alex keep teasing yew khoon, and yew khoon relying using her piercing voice.. LOL *can break the glasses if frequency slightly higer a little bit.=.= people next to our table keep staring at us.. sia sui nia. but shu hong and alex seems enjoying flirting with her. =.= lu kong lu high -.- so long no see her she still that ...... speechless. no comment* XD
shu hong the hiaoest. having a sandwhich. pi kim gary makan sandwhich.. speechless-.- tzin yung
Uncle who back from Japan and alex my papa
*uncle had just lost 8kg fats!
*uncle had just lost 8kg fats!
yeah our friend shing yee that just back from singapore!
*she has inclination to stoutness XD
*she has inclination to stoutness XD
piggy ong soo peng!
hiao yew khoon. and.. p me XD pfang LOL
my dinner, cost only rm7.90 and very delicious! Must go try..
*dono wat name .. paiseh..ask osp la if wan =)
*dono wat name .. paiseh..ask osp la if wan =)
Finally..we kissgoodbye.......LOL say-goodbye la XD
After that.. from gurney back to my house,traffic extremely jam, i quickly phoned my cousin,asking him to clean up before i reach home. but... failed. Oh MY.. he was sleeping! It was 630pm now and i must rush to drive kc, find noob Jeanne mia rumah then reach Qb buy 730pm.
God bless me........... Now.. i have no time to write the card that I just bought..! Ahmitabha... i am driving now!! so.. I borrowed kc's hand to write the words. kc too kindly helped me to write some words inside to fill the empty spaces.. *she wrote it in the car! soon after my car stop, I complete the card in no time....-.- Finally.. I made it..! yes!! I reach NJ's house by 710pm but..... SHE WAS NOT HOME!! arghhhh..! I was trying to give her a surprice .. but... LOL I even try so hard to confirm with her that she will be onlining at home by the time i reach her house.. =.= Her mum came out and we spoke to her mum.. I was wondering should I just leave it to them or...? erm. but since kc sugested that we could come again later, so we decided to leave for the movie first.
FiNaLly we reach Qb by 726pm. A fast and safe journey they had.
We went for the movie BOLT. damn toucing.. o.o kc sat beside me...Secretly i saw her rubbed her eyes several times when those touching moment in the scene appear. emotional kc =)
but she told me.. =.= that was because of her hair on her forehead 'tu tiok' her eyes.XD keh keh la LOL =P
Right after the movie kc and wei yang went to e-gate while sheng, kal in blue and me, of course my cousin went to find suan eng but failed.
Kal in blue jia yong, sheng
So, since we are free now, once again my cousin and i went to jeanne's house to pass her her present ( how good am i ) .. and my cousin was looking forward to ask jeanne out for supper. *but i wonder if she can.. she is soooo.. un-go-out-able........... here we go...
Oh MY FISHH I got lost in her taman! we sek and sek but finally we realised that we got a wrong way! DUCK!=.= so we patah balik and go the other way..i was getting TL.the factor besides what i just mentioned that made me TL was my cousin.. keep mumbling about the petrol,reminding me that the pointer is toucing the lower E. lehh. He tought I blind? I must speed to jeanne's house first because she must leave for her aunt's party soon ma.....-.- BUT soon after i reach her house,she had already left to her aunty house.-.- WHAT THE !! LOL TLTLTLTL! so.. i just pass it to her brother. twice liao lehh.. =.= dua sheng li mia .
After that we heading to find a nearby petrol station.. somehow, we still can't manage to find one untill we entered greenlane. coincidently,ze yuan phone me and asked me go over to Caltex meeting them. wow, he really makes a good idea so i went straigh to Caltex, pump my petrol half full and then leave my car at the station and have my dinner/maybe supper? with them. it was around 10pm. and so. we finished our supper *just call it supper la -.- in 20 minutes and heading back to the station. and then.. i come out with a stupid great ideal..
JF: why don't we go gurney? have fun! we go count down !! GO SPRAY PPL!!yesh la!MUAHAHAHHA!!! XD
JF:christmas bo ki gurney ki toh lok.. == I WAN GO EXCITED MIA TEMPAT LA.. SIEN LEH! CHRISTMAS!!!
HAN JIE: REALLY?! you really wanna go excited eh place hor?! you don regret lo...! *smirk
Huai JIE: KIA ki pak DOTA!
Han Jie: kia! WE go batu ferringghi pia car! PIU YII
JF: -.- i prefer go pub lerh... OI REALLY AR!? hehe. kia kia! go pub! yesh.! i 18++ liao, must go MUST GO! =) XD
[ trIED to recall.. something like that.. ]
ZE YUAN the black chicken
Han Jie,Huai Jie
my cousin that followed me to almost every gang d..-.-
At last.. we decided to go the bar opposite our dearest sch,pcghs-.-
Zy phoned jennifer and she told us she was extremely sien.. so we invited her to join us.but her father set a curfew restriction:before 1am must come back! (as a only gal in the car i was forced to deal with her mum)-.- waliao.. we 1130 invite you go count down you 1am must reach home ar.. then we try to convince her mum.. ....
Eventually,we still fail to invite her out -.-
Nvm la..... LOL practically it made no different whether she was
Then,we heading toward the bar opposite to our sch. WALAU EH. FIRST TIME YOU KNW. I KNW IT WAS NOOB BUT, this was really MY FIRST TIME to drink in a pub/bar la! then my heart keep on reminding me..
-Don't drink anything after you left and return!
-Do not accept drinks nor anythings from stangers,
-Do not go to toilet alone,and.. wait , then? go with my cousin??! wat the frog.. later he fish me.!
k done! so now go into the bar ..! wa.. mai larh.. don wan!... -.- *shiver
WaLau eh.... the musics is so loud la!!! i cant think of anything.. many smoker,drinking beers, stare at you, as if you take one more step forward they will gonna FISH you.. =x han jie met his brother there. so, we decided to join them(actually is forced to), 5 of us. ZY han jie and huai jie seems PRO in this kind of stuff. They took one bucket, which contain 5 bottles of tiger, and took some cups pouring the beer into each of them. and of course, that was for me and them to drink. the taste of Tiger is horrible,worse than any other drinks i ever had. MY GoD!! I rushed toward toilet after my first cup. *vomit? no la. hahax . kidney was full and need to release.. The funny things was... My cousin accompanied me to the toilet, he waited in front of the men's toilet ( right beside lady's) when i got out, I saw 4 familiar faces in front of the lady's... LOLOLOL ohhHh my.... they even stand in a row! facing the lady's toilet! ( luckily bo hand in hand nia.. ==) WALIAO eh... so paiseh la!!... imagine you were me and your boy's friend keep staring inside the lady's toilet seeking you.. lehhhma.. XD
okay then right after i came out, then asked me: did you vomit? vomit water? how? don drink liao if vomit... ...................
LOL i just........ arghh speechless! so i JUST TOLD THEM i DID NOT VOMIT! arghhhh. !
Later on, we went back to our table,and it was almost just less then 1 min before christmas. So everyone here is like starting to shake their body, head , ass, whatever part you can shake just shake it. The musics was so loud, i repeated. I wanted to complain, turn the button to the left two complete round pls if right side is to make it loud. then they keep pouring the beer into my cup. SINCE my cousin drink so many d ( note:i did not compare with THEM because they treat Tiger like lemon only)
so, MUST HAVE FUN!! WHY NOT!? come LAI we drink! all the while when they was shaking their ass *included my cousin, i was sms-ing. OI...... I so guai mia, will just sms and on9 at home eh ginna you call me go ? pub? hello=.=
ok ! 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 the count down is finally over! and now my head can thinks liao. ERM..
T.T mama..
okay now i a bit steam liao..., first bottle gone, second bottle, third, walau, i went toilet 3 times, soon, ZY's fren came and, WE drink again! COME! 4th 5th 6th 7th actually i don't know exactly the figure but huai jie told me i drink 7-8 bottles. oh....... am i......? erm... okay la, i admit i drank much but i DIDN'T DRUNK!!!!!! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! UNCLE I defeated you!! Later, ZY follow his friend for DOTA at undefined cafe .. not interested. SO okay.. we 4 brats here still stay and drink...
WAAaa.. my cousin high liao..keep shaking his head,so i just pei he him.. slightly 'nodded' my head constantly. LOL so lame la. who am i..-.- aw juey fang ar! and I still remember Han jie's brother's gf, keep staring at me, as if i am alien , or, am i too pretty?o.o i knw it beyond words.. ah ha. do not jealous XD. I purposely act paiseh,when our eyes met up i turn my eyes to her bf .. LOL . let me count see.. at least more than 5 times our eyes met. =.= gerli..
Around 2:15am, we '依依不舍' went home. another interesting thing.When we got into han jie's car, he says,' gv me a break. i can drive but just need some rests, right now.' >>sure =). then i a bit blur blur too liao. but i did not feel anything. while my cousin told me he felt so hot and spicy. Chicken meh..== the other three brats continue their conversation, showing off how good they are,playing down ZY while playing up themselves... are all guys like that? guys pls answer. LOL i sms-ed my friend, telling them i finally done liao! yea my first time to a pub and i swear i will never go to pub ever again,...just for this coming two years.. XP but then, why do they all thinking that i was drunk? can drunks reply msg??! LOL. somehow my handphone out of battery,right after my frIend failed her attemp to phone me. so i borrow my cousin phone swifting our sim card to each other's.
The sky was so dark,the night was moonless yet starless. balanar is coming LOL .night stalker XD in such eerily night.... my cousin's phone's body.. lost! my goshhh!!!!! i wanted to turn his car over and get it back!! they shocked and asked me to stay calm..== so han jie drive us to a nearby petrol station first, as WE feel like our kidney were bursting.... then .. wa luckily we managed to find back my cousin's phone and.. i was presume that I was DRUNK while in fact I was not.. suak liao .ok fine. do not want to defence d.
ok the rest I dono what exactly was happening after i came out from the toilet and found the phone and.. when i got home i straigh away went to my dearest bed. home sweet home.... harhh.. =) oh and I was concious of what i had replied on my msg.
After reading jeanne's blog about how much she feel when receiving my purposely-chose-present.., my eyes actually get a little bit watery.. sniff*XD if curious kindly click touching moment for juey check it out. =) 2008 Special christmas with friends!
Tomorrow we will go for wei yang last badminton! =) friends...!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
I dance
In the pitch-dark night, when all the light in my neighborhoods went off, suddenly, I notices that my living room were still illuminated with rays of light. Sitting mutely while staring at the colorful flat screen in front of me, scrolling thought pages and pages of my friends’ blog, fighting with unidentified virtual characters, and chitchatting on a box; out of the blue, when I stretch my arms high up in the air, I noticed that the Cuckoo clock hanging on my wall showing half past five. Oh no! I have just noticed that I did not sleep again tonight! It is two weeks away before school start again, and I wonder which constructive things have I done during the break. All I have done was gossiping with my friends, playing *my favorite online games, and reading *my friends’ blogs, I have totally wasted my precious holiday. I wonder if I can turn the clock over, and I wonder when I could gasp freely again on the coming term.
BUT now, lets talk about what happened in this saturday night first. I went on to fetch TJH then headed to NWP in at 6pm, going for event of GBBM,again.
BUT now, lets talk about what happened in this saturday night first. I went on to fetch TJH then headed to NWP in at 6pm, going for event of GBBM,again.
*Eugene our DEAREST GBBM'S CHAIRMAN was sitting at the VIP seat there. LOL
The first one was always: why'd you all like to dance?
the answers no much creative.. NO DANCES NO LIFE, Dances gv us Confidences,Happy, ...all that== lame..
second: why'd you chose XXX as your team's name ?
again.., lame^2
And many other questions... one that impressed me was... THE ARE HOW MANY PENGUIN there at the wall? swt.. I can't manage to count them all too cause they are too HUGE to stand there.. ==
the two judge
then in between the break time i was wandering around..
And saw something ...
* see the movie clip below
HAHA.. and.. erm just like what she always will do, she volunteered to sing on the enormous stage again... She has the gut which i don't.. T.T
*fern, me, saix.
what about me? -.-
the punctured balloons.. damn syokk when puncturing them XD
I register to be a GBBM'S MEMBER that night.wasted RM5. so was my cousin.-.-
And we went for our dinner.. at 东海岸.
And we went for our dinner.. at 东海岸.
Teo Jiin Horng's congee.. cost RM3.50. but it worth. large mia la. =)
lastly... ta da... my 金旦面,cost you rm3.50 but very bo tat la..two forks nia.. -.-
milo rm1.60 and orange juice rm 1.80. erm.. peng siong price..
yo! take the last pic of mine of today.
yeoh lee yuen the noob ...and TJH mia photo missing d..
Finally we reached home...
I saw the dog ( not mine one.. a wild dog) sitting in front of the door waiting for us to come home.. o.o so touch!
if the whole world are not willing to wait for me.. at least i got you...! love you dog =)
Here are some video
Here are some video
Saturday, December 20, 2008
海鸟和鱼相遇 真的没想到会认识你
只是一场意外 啊啊啊啊啊!
不对的时间 浪费我真个假期了不对的人 我真的很与众不同
相识已是一种错 认识你我觉得很不幸
只是一场意外 啊啊啊啊啊!
不对的时间 浪费我真个假期了
不同的世界 你说的话都很费
不累吗 无聊
不累吗 无聊
没期限的等 表浪费我的时间
不痛吗 我很忙的
没结果回报的爱 没空陪你玩
相识已是一种错 认识你我觉得很不幸
但 我知道 你不知道吗
我 不会再犯错 花了我将多时间
不要一直这样了 好吗 けっこう
也许事总与愿违 おまえはとてもうるさい
但或许这也是另一种幸福 なけ
放弃吧 谢谢你 离我远点啦
Today we went for badminton in N park and i met shing yee there. Glad to see her again.XD She had just back from Singapore.. and her hair are now so longgg.. O.O jealous..
and.. i met another friend of kc.. Bao Xing right? erm.. his face look so much like Peter The Spiderman even though his hair are now longer..
After the badminton my cousin and I waited for jeanne's mum to fetch her home. I volunteered to fetch her back but she insisted to wait for her mum..LOL like a cow.. At last we awaited her mum for about 45min==.. hiao ka si
Then jeanne went for her dinner with her mum and brother while i went for my dinner with my cousin. and so.. we had our dinner at farlim with another friend who stay in farlim. He brought us to the nearest coffee shop and we had nasi kandar there.
when i reach home, i straigh away rush toward my toilet. Diarrhea. and my cousin kena too.LOL
erm.. i also dono why i write this article..
and.. i met another friend of kc.. Bao Xing right? erm.. his face look so much like Peter The Spiderman even though his hair are now longer..
After the badminton my cousin and I waited for jeanne's mum to fetch her home. I volunteered to fetch her back but she insisted to wait for her mum..LOL like a cow.. At last we awaited her mum for about 45min==.. hiao ka si
Then jeanne went for her dinner with her mum and brother while i went for my dinner with my cousin. and so.. we had our dinner at farlim with another friend who stay in farlim. He brought us to the nearest coffee shop and we had nasi kandar there.
when i reach home, i straigh away rush toward my toilet. Diarrhea. and my cousin kena too.LOL
erm.. i also dono why i write this article..
just to record my ordinary life la. XD
just to record my ordinary life la. XD
Monday, December 15, 2008
I get this from a email when I'm searching for the true meaning of 'tu lan'. It's worth to share with you people.
Sometimes,non-hokkien people attempt to use hokkien to increase their level of 'cool-ness' when they attempt to swear. But more often than not, they fail because they do not know how to put the word into a proper sentence, OR, it doesn't sound the same when u use it in another language/dialect apart from hokkien. Just like what the Americans did to the original King's English.
' kan keh'
direct translation - 'fuck chicken'.
actual meaning - referring to someone who's cynical and selfish, not willing to take even the slightest risk of anything.
eg: 'Leh ma ler ! Ah Seng kau giak kan keh ah ..' [translation: 'Your mother ! Ah Seng is damn timid !']
'kiong kan '
direct translation - it actually was a short form for 'ki ho lang kan ', which means, 'go get yourself fucked by someone'.
actual meaning - an exclamation that was used to vehemently protest against any disagreement or illogical statements.
eg: 'Kiong kan lah ! lu sio kong lim peh be hiau si boh ??' [translation : 'Kiong kan lah ! You think you can fool me ??']
'bak moy'
direct translation - 'pork porridge'
actual meaning - to undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions; i.e. die
eg: 'Eh ! Lu lang cai boh ? Ray Charles bak moy liao !' [translation : 'Eh ! Did you guys know ? That Ray Charles is dead !']
'loo siao'
direct translation - 'rub sperm'
actual meaning - to riot, to rebel, mak e trouble or go ballistic. Can be used as adjective, verb or noun.
eg: 'That char bor, si peh loo siao, tiam tiam chueh soo …' [translation : 'That woman, damn rebellious, always look for trouble..']
'char siao'
direct translation - 'fried sperm'
actual meaning - to disturb or to vex someone
eg: 'Mai char siao lah !' [translation : 'Don't disturb me !']
'kuai lan'
direct translation - 'suave dick'
actual meaning - adjective to describe a very cheeky or obnoxious person.
eg: 'That si ginna si peh kuai lan.' [translation : 'That kid is damn obnoxious.'] 'apong sin' direct translation - 'pancake spirit' (pancake is also the secondary meaning for vagina)
actual meaning - a person who's fawning over any females and willing to do anything for them. eg: 'Ah Piang kau giak apong sin. Peng eu kio chut, boh eng. Char bor kio chut, eh poey…' [translation : 'Ah Piang damn 'pancake spirit'. When his friends ask him out, always busy. But when girls ask him out, he'll literally fly out']
'ciu cheng'
direct translation - 'hand gun'
actual meaning - an adjective to describe someone that is unskillfully clumsy, delinquent and fucked up. eg: 'Si tua pui, kau giak ciu cheng. Chia pun beh hiau park.' [translation : 'That fat ass damn fucked up. Don't even know how to park a car']
'tu lan' (also known as T.L.)
direct translation - 'pig's dick'
real meaning - hatefully dislike or angry; pissed.
eg: 'Kua tiok ee eh bin … pun tu lan.' [translation : 'It pissed me off even by just a glance of his face.']
'kam lan'
direct translation - 'to fellate'
real meaning - an expression added into questions - to denote something ridiculous or defies logical understanding.
eg: 'Lu choaa lu eh bor chut lai kam lan aa ??' [translation : 'Why the hell do you bring along your wife ??']
'loh tee'
direct translation - 'bread' (derived from the malay word 'roti')
real meaning - an adjective to describe a very slutty, chintzy and promiscuous female being. Highly derogatory.
eg: 'Ah Piang eh chat loh si peh loh tee. Goh lui chap pek tau' [translation : 'Ah Piang's girl is a goddamn slut. Five cents for eighteen times']
Sometimes,non-hokkien people attempt to use hokkien to increase their level of 'cool-ness' when they attempt to swear. But more often than not, they fail because they do not know how to put the word into a proper sentence, OR, it doesn't sound the same when u use it in another language/dialect apart from hokkien. Just like what the Americans did to the original King's English.
' kan keh'
direct translation - 'fuck chicken'.
actual meaning - referring to someone who's cynical and selfish, not willing to take even the slightest risk of anything.
eg: 'Leh ma ler ! Ah Seng kau giak kan keh ah ..' [translation: 'Your mother ! Ah Seng is damn timid !']
'kiong kan '
direct translation - it actually was a short form for 'ki ho lang kan ', which means, 'go get yourself fucked by someone'.
actual meaning - an exclamation that was used to vehemently protest against any disagreement or illogical statements.
eg: 'Kiong kan lah ! lu sio kong lim peh be hiau si boh ??' [translation : 'Kiong kan lah ! You think you can fool me ??']
'bak moy'
direct translation - 'pork porridge'
actual meaning - to undergo the complete and permanent cessation of all vital functions; i.e. die
eg: 'Eh ! Lu lang cai boh ? Ray Charles bak moy liao !' [translation : 'Eh ! Did you guys know ? That Ray Charles is dead !']
'loo siao'
direct translation - 'rub sperm'
actual meaning - to riot, to rebel, mak e trouble or go ballistic. Can be used as adjective, verb or noun.
eg: 'That char bor, si peh loo siao, tiam tiam chueh soo …' [translation : 'That woman, damn rebellious, always look for trouble..']
'char siao'
direct translation - 'fried sperm'
actual meaning - to disturb or to vex someone
eg: 'Mai char siao lah !' [translation : 'Don't disturb me !']
'kuai lan'
direct translation - 'suave dick'
actual meaning - adjective to describe a very cheeky or obnoxious person.
eg: 'That si ginna si peh kuai lan.' [translation : 'That kid is damn obnoxious.'] 'apong sin' direct translation - 'pancake spirit' (pancake is also the secondary meaning for vagina)
actual meaning - a person who's fawning over any females and willing to do anything for them. eg: 'Ah Piang kau giak apong sin. Peng eu kio chut, boh eng. Char bor kio chut, eh poey…' [translation : 'Ah Piang damn 'pancake spirit'. When his friends ask him out, always busy. But when girls ask him out, he'll literally fly out']
'ciu cheng'
direct translation - 'hand gun'
actual meaning - an adjective to describe someone that is unskillfully clumsy, delinquent and fucked up. eg: 'Si tua pui, kau giak ciu cheng. Chia pun beh hiau park.' [translation : 'That fat ass damn fucked up. Don't even know how to park a car']
'tu lan' (also known as T.L.)
direct translation - 'pig's dick'
real meaning - hatefully dislike or angry; pissed.
eg: 'Kua tiok ee eh bin … pun tu lan.' [translation : 'It pissed me off even by just a glance of his face.']
'kam lan'
direct translation - 'to fellate'
real meaning - an expression added into questions - to denote something ridiculous or defies logical understanding.
eg: 'Lu choaa lu eh bor chut lai kam lan aa ??' [translation : 'Why the hell do you bring along your wife ??']
'loh tee'
direct translation - 'bread' (derived from the malay word 'roti')
real meaning - an adjective to describe a very slutty, chintzy and promiscuous female being. Highly derogatory.
eg: 'Ah Piang eh chat loh si peh loh tee. Goh lui chap pek tau' [translation : 'Ah Piang's girl is a goddamn slut. Five cents for eighteen times']
Sunday, December 14, 2008
SURVIVOR One day camp
Yesterday my cousin and I went for a one day camp, organize by GBBM. both of us didnt sleep the whole night and went there. After that i slept for about 13 hours, and my cousin went for another camp today early in this morning. ( erm.. actually i'm quite happy finally he go away liao.. LOL so suey..)
first when we reach there, they give us 2 pieces of paper asking us to fill it. besides our name they ask about some fei fei eh questions too. eg:
-have you been in a relationship? -no
1-5 times 6-10 times uncountable -=.=
-Who did you admire the most? -tunku abdul rahman
-why? -because of him you are here.
-Do you find yourself pretty/handsome? -yes
-why? -i'm telling the truth
-what do you like to do when you are free - i am always on busy status
-if you are GBBM organiser what will you organiser ? - a car racing competition
Too fei untill i dono how to serious so i just simply write wat i think that time.and there we play many games and my cousin sia sui many times( mostly we lose thanks to his math too poor) don't wanna elaborate.. if curious then ask my cousin ba =p
Let pictures do the talking

The second game : after the opponent lose the game they were forced to drink the 'mixed' drink. gerli..
first when we reach there, they give us 2 pieces of paper asking us to fill it. besides our name they ask about some fei fei eh questions too. eg:
-have you been in a relationship? -no
1-5 times 6-10 times uncountable -=.=
-Who did you admire the most? -tunku abdul rahman
-why? -because of him you are here.
-Do you find yourself pretty/handsome? -yes
-why? -i'm telling the truth
-what do you like to do when you are free - i am always on busy status
-if you are GBBM organiser what will you organiser ? - a car racing competition
Too fei untill i dono how to serious so i just simply write wat i think that time.and there we play many games and my cousin sia sui many times( mostly we lose thanks to his math too poor) don't wanna elaborate.. if curious then ask my cousin ba =p
Let pictures do the talking
Camp start! Tradition: briefing, introduce yourself and organiser 'zo xiao'
The photographer. Using sony alpha 350. I was suprise that when we are thinking about the slogan and team name she join in and giving us the motto of sony ==|| sony mia fans
Our chaptain. He says : we must have a strong and solid team name and slogan!
At last we have a team name that is.... THE POOH!
He decided that because another team is using WINNIE==
and that team use it because they were Winnie Yeap student.. I wonder if kc will do that too-.-
The another team: Winnie == our camp site
Start from the left: Kelvin, Han Jie(Winnie's captain),Huai Jie(winnie's member), Ching Mun.
two 25 zai come steal our opinions.
At first we wanted to use "I will follow you" as our slogan,and Winnie use "You will follow me" instead we changed our slogan to 'I want to move it move it', due to the shortness of the first one.
Jacky dikena bully XD. But he seems enjoying it..
Koliannya== Is he a christian?
Then we have our first game. This are the cruel stationers. Btw my cousin lee yuen did some sia sui things here.stationer even perli him shi zi fa da tou nau jian dan=.= At last our opponent scored 14 and we scored only 4. ...... sia sui nia. don't wanna elaborate it d..
Our opponent.
My captain was happy seeing the 'wasabi roti' (this is our reward of losing the game) But why he is preparing a bottle there? *see his left hand
But the roti was eaten by my sporting teammate first.
captain smirking: eat more la eat more la
captain smirking: eat more la eat more la
next my cousin =p
Owhhhh he grabbed the roti and eat it all!!! Acts hero =p
and this is the consequences..... Everone:think before you act XD
erm... this fellow isn't my teammate. he losed to out team during the second game.
*see the movie clip below
A model at the beach?? Nawh. he just wash his leg la.
see what is the words? GBBM
Only laki laki? takda perempuan mia? ==
but actually there ain't any toilet there. == dono what the words design for..
our begs.. and there are some balloons there. but we don't have the chance to play with it. wasted helpers energy to pump them.
Next we have a HUMAN CHINESE CHESS match!! everyone is grabbing the cards.
Wow. My cousin is too tall and forced to be a model standing there hanging those card on his shoulder.but actually he volunteered to do so? XD
preparing.. bai zhen
yea my cousin with his favoured, car.
see who takes the horse..
yeshh la.. is me!
The 'JIANG' is giving command. ( aiyo.. cin cai larh.. hot la uncle.. ==||)
how... erm.. wait let me think first..
Our "SUAI", standing on top of the chair to observe every movement. and the fellow there, the main organizer,standing below the umbrella, with sunglasses on-.- so dua bai.and the photographer changed her job to hold that umbrella.. ==
Yeshhhh!!!At last we won the game!! thx to our captain! actually i never think that he could be so good in chinese chess..*ren bu ke mao siang..
In addition.. after each
In addition.. after each
Wow.. dia buat apa ni?
massage?? Nawh.. he is 'JIANG' which lose to our team XD. here is the reward after losing the game.. *smirk
Amitabhahh.. don't bury me..
OKAY! LET ME HELP YOU! (my cousin) taking a tong and pour the sand toward him.. O.O
DONE!! Eh... who is sobbing?
Oeeeyy! mai bong wa eh bin la!
MIKU.. his name*
wait! i must hv a pose! V...
random snapshot on angmo.. suan eng must be jealous me o.o
I'm suprise seeing those malay built a camp here==
another teammate of mine and my cousin. after playing a chi gek eh station game. (everyone of us will rmb how they abuse us!LOL)
A new friend there. ps:I take this photo with him because he knows my full name,aw juey fang-.-
and now i just notice that he went to bjg and so am i so he knw me.. ban jang arr.. -.-
and now i just notice that he went to bjg and so am i so he knw me.. ban jang arr.. -.-
beautiful sunset.. anyone wan pak tor can come here.
The beach is beside Mutiara hotel,Teluk Bahang,Penang,Malaysia.
Little girl gets lost! mumma..
my cousin took this photo. how? using my non-autofocus 2.0 mp cam
finally we make a camp fire and luckily there are 5 girl guides there.They were so good at it.. i just stand there observing how they built nia.. so heng.XD and so were the guys there.. ==
the winds are so strong.. its so romantic standing there enjoying winds and fires.. XD seronoknyaa
The second game : after the opponent lose the game they were forced to drink the 'mixed' drink. gerli..
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